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My Sermon vs His Message

A series of meetings would be called the greatest movement of His Spirit in Southern Costa Rica.   Little did they know the spiritual battle that had been fought to see such a blessing.

The church was a modern day Corinthian Corinth.   It was filled with sin.   Two deacons were living in adultery.

With each passing day I became physically weaker.   There was no explanation other than it being a spiritual battle.

The Lord kept burdening me to preach on the blood.   Each time I would study passages pertaining to the blood I would feel inadequate so I would prepare another sermon.

The last night as I was waiting to be introduced, I did not want to get up and preach. This had never happened before.

I began to preach and quickly recognized that there was no power.   Stopping, I asked the church to pray with me that the devils power over the service be broken and I then began to preach another sermon.   After about five minutes I again recognized that the Lord was not blessing my sermon.

Abruptly I stopped and said, “Pray with me that the blood of the Lord be over this service.”   Immediately I was convicted that it was I who was hindering the Spirit.   Saying Amen, God used me to preach a forty-minute powerful message on the blood of Christ.

God brought the two adulterous church leaders to their knees as they confessed their sins.   Dozens came forward to surrender their lives to the will of God.   Thirty-seven people accepted Christ that night.

My Life-Changing Lesson:

I need to always try to hear God’s quiet voice and then always follow as He leads.   See Romans 8:28.

-- End --   

Jailed for Jesus My Philippian Jailer Large Flesh and Blood
Praying with Boldness One Soul for Carlos Red Light District home
A Machetero or Killer No More Tears My Sermon vs His Message
Goodbye is not Forever Obedience Even with a Family First Time
Last Hundred Dollars Christmas Gift God's Floor isn't Hard
Confession is Good for the Soul You Cannot Serve Two Masters Almost Unbelievable

Image of Charles B. Moore.
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